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Spaitalia 28/4/2012 - 29/4/2012

da 28 a 29 Aprile 2012
Luogo: Spa Belgium - Belgium
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We are on our way to the 11th edition of SpaItalia. In 1906, the Lancia & Cia Fabbrica Automobili was founded. That is history for car lovers like all of us, but what a history! From the start, Vicenzo Lancia succeeded in privileging the production of comfortable cars against sport cars, which were nevertheless very fashionable at the time. Only after World War II, a ‘powerful’ division was developed. The brand knew F1, sport-prototypes and of course rallies with the unforgettable Fulvia, Stratos, S4 and Delta, to mention only a few names. The 10th SpaItalia edition was a great and well-deserved success. The way should be paved now and both unconditional followers and ordinary lovers of beautiful cars will come and gather during what has become an indispensable appointment in the agenda. With all our entousiasm, we expect to see you on the most beautiful circuit in the world on 28 and 29 April 2012.

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